Before we can understand why
management is important to organization, we first need to understand what an
organization is and why it exists? Look around you. What are the things you
see, use, eat, wear? Who produces them or provides services for them?
Organization can be defined as a
group of people working together to achieve organizational goals. Organization
can be profit-oriented or non-profit oriented. Samsung, Apple, PETRONAS, Shell,
Secret Recipe, McDonald’s are some examples of organizations that exists for
the purpose of generation profit from products and services. A non-profit
organization is a corporation or an association that conducts business for the
benefit of the general public without shareholders and without a profit motive.
Examples of non-profit organizations are public schools, hospitals, churches,
etc. No matter what kind of organization it is, it is made up of people and the
efforts of these people must be coordinated properly if the organization is to
accomplish its goal.
Management is important to
organization because the existence and success of any organization depends on
the kind of management it has.
Management is important for the achievement of organizational goals, the
efficient utilization of resources, for the prosperity of society, for changes
and development, and for the establishment of balance.